Sunday, January 31, 2010

Helping Haiti Day Two

Just wanted everyone to who came in over the weekend for the Haiti Fundraiser that we raised around $1800.00. This will get donated to Shelterbox. Together we raised enough to give 15 people shelter/tools/bedding and clean water. Thanks so much!!! Since the Government is matching funds raised that is a total of $3600.00!!!!!!! We took over 2500 pictures this weekend. I will be editing and posting over the next couple of days. Thanks again everyone.
Hope everyone is well.
If you haven't had a chance yet, have a look at the Shelterbox website.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Helping Haiti Day One

Just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who made it in today. I had such a good time today. Got to meet some new people and connect with old Friends as well. It was a pretty special day. Yvonne always tells me, "I am the luckiest person she knows since I get to do something that I love so much". So, Thank You again for coming in. Back in the studio tomorrow.
We listened to Justin Hines all day as we shot. If you have never listened to him Check out his website. Amazing.
Hope everyone is well.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Helping Haiti Update


Been getting a ton of interest about this weekend. There are still sittings left so don't feel you are to late. I will fit you in! I will be posting shortly about where and how all the donations from this weekend will be used.

2nd update:
All the money raised this weekend will go towards a Shelterbox. They are an amazing idea. You can get all the info about them at
All donations will get a tax receipt and will be matched by the Canadian Government.
Hope to see you this weekend.

3rd update:
Good Morning,
Just a quick follow up. Working like mad to get ready for the Haiti portrait weekend. If you want to come in I do have some spots I could get you in. The Shelterbox is being dropped off today so it will be on display in the Studio. This is going to be a great weekend!

Hope all is well.


Johnny's Secret Project Post #4 and final


Just an update. Here is my ad that is going out shortly. I will be posting the clear and focused picture very soon. I am very excited about this! This is the final teaser. The new portfolio is ready to hang in the studio.

Hope everyone is well.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Helping Haiti

This is a portrait of our Daughter Lydia and she means the world to us. I have a feeling that we all feel that way about our Kids right now. I am just sitting down at the laptop after watching the Haiti Telethons. Can't even come up with the words. I watched them with Lydia who was understandable upset by what is going on. She wants to do something to help this Country in need. I told her we would do it together. This is what we have come up with in a very "Jerry Maquire" kind of way. No thought, no planning, just a feeling.
Next weekend, January 30th and 31st we are going to have a Family Portrait weekend. Both days, all day. Moms and Dads bring in your Kids and I will take your Portrait. the cost is just donate what you can to Haiti. Anything at all. You will recieve a fully retouched portrait file of your Family to print as much as you want and send it to everyone you love. If you would like to come in just email and I will give you an appointment time. You can email me through my website.
Hope everyone in your Family is well.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Johnny's Secret Project Post #3


Here is a bit more on what is coming up. In the past with sittings, Clients come in to the Studio, or we meet at a location where we have a ton of fun shooting lots of pics. The next day, I have a proof disc ready for them and then they let me know what they would like in regards to files and retouched archival prints. Not with this. I am taking a bit of a leap with this. I pick the final images to be used. Then the final product is fully framed ready to hang. I am still shooting new images to showcase this idea. Here is a really blurry image of one.

Hope everyone is well.


New ad


Here is a new ad that is going in the Enterprise Bulletin (Collingwood's local paper). Here is the link to the their website if you want to see what is going on in Collingwood.

Thanks for dropping by.


Stephanie's Family


Stephanie brought her Fiance and future Sister-In-Law in for a family portrait. They also brought their dogs. I always find it funny that Clients are always a little weary to bring in their dogs. I can't tell you how much I love dogs. We are lucky enough to have one in our little Family. His name is Dudley and he is a Golden Retriever. He is the ripe old age of 14. You can see a picture of him hanging on the wall at our local McDonald's. When I get pets in the studio I treat them just like kids. As you can see with this sitting there were lots of hugs and puppy kisses.

Hope everyone is well.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Johnny's Secret Project Post #2


Here is the next tickle. I think I may have lightened it a little too much. Not to worry as I will darken it in the next few weeks. I have quite a few emails asking what it is. All I can say is.... well I really can't say anything at all. Except, it is pretty cool. The few People who have seen it really love it!!! I have been working on getting the new portfolio ready to hang in the Studio.

Hope everyone is well.


P.S. I am moving the posting time to Sundays.

Jess and Mike now are 3 Part 2

Jess & Mike now are 3 Part 1


Jess and Mike brought their new little Girl into the studio here in Collingwood. Lots of kisses and hugs and naked Baby bellies. Every baby is so different from the next. They really are a very special gift to a Mommy and Daddy. What I love about capturing these shots, is that their little girl's grandchildren will be looking at them. That would make Jess and Mike Great Grandparents!

Hope everyone is well and had a great weekend!


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lydia's Favourite Story


Last night, I was telling my daughter Lydia about her favourite story when she was little. It was, "The Paper Bag Princess" by Robert Munsch. Absolutely fantastic story for little girls. As we were hanging out, we decided it would be cool to take pictures of her while she is reading it. We have seen Robert Munsch in concert a couple of times and when he tells his stories he is very animated. So here is what we came up with. I would have to say, it was more than a little fun. Couldn't do "Love You Forever"... if you are a Mom or Dad you will know why.

I am adding this to what I offer in my services. If you would like to come in and see the printed version of this, it is hanging in my Studio. It is now my favourite picture in the World.

Hope everyone in your Family is well.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tubbs Romp To Stomp Part 1

This Feb 20th the Tubbs Romp to Stomp will be taking place at Scenic Caves. All money raised goes to the fight against Breast Cancer. It is such a great event. You can find out all the info you need at...


I am volunteering my services again this year... maybe I will see you up there. Here are some pics from last years event.

Hope everyone is well.


Tubbs Romp To Stomp Part 2

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Johnny's Secret Project


Here is the first tickle if you will. Every week, I will let you know a little more and see a little more, of a project/portfolio very close to my heart. Every Tuesday, I will post some more details and lighten and focus the attached picture. The release date is for Family Day next month.

Hope everyone is well.


Collingwood Life

OK, I have been keeping this under my hat for a little while. I am excited, pumped and did I say excited about this gig. I am shooting the covers for Collingwood Life. Here is the first cover. It is of Olympic Hopeful, Brad Martin. I met the new owners (Janie Thacker and Bob Best) through Collingwood Life's old owner (Cheryl McLean). Pick up the new edition out on newsstands now. You can contact Collingwood Life... or

Did I say I am excited about this! More covers to come.

Hope everyone is well.


Laura, Tim and Parker

Last December I had a blast shooting Laura and Tim's Wedding. This past December they welcomed Parker into their Family. I think the little guy did a great job at his first modelling gig. Here are some of my favourites.

Hope everyone is well.


The Tesseris Sisters

Here is one of my favourite sittings from this past Christmas. I shot Gina's Wedding a few years ago. She called me with an idea for her Parents. They wanted to come in and have a big group shot taken and have it framed as a present. As we talked on the phone I had the idea of four individual shots... 4 stories. Then these would be framed together. Here is how it turned out.

Hope everyone is well.


Meg, Jamie, Helen and Neil

I had a great time with this Family. We had everyone pile on dad, hugging Mom, silly hats and using Dad's Firefighter gear. Here are some of my favourites.

Hope everyone is well.


Kari and Her Girls

So I am waiting for a call this past December from Kari for the yearly portrait we do. It was getting a little close to Christmas so I decided to get in touch with her to set a date. Turns out all three of them have had the flu and they thought there wasn't enough time to get their portrait done. We have been getting together since the girls were little kids and it wouldn't have been the same if they didn't make it in. So here they are...

Hope everyone is well.


The Crawford Family

So here we go...

Last year I had to get a new website up and running. It wouldn't have happened without the big brain of one Kevin Crawford. So here he is with his Family. I finally got him in the Studio for some pics. Without him I would be quite the Luddite.

A Big Thank You to my Web Guru!


Twenty Ten...


Hope everyone had the greatest holiday!!!!

Some great things happening this month to start off the new year. I will be Blogging and Facebooking all this week so have a look.

Hope everyone is well.
