Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year! {Collingwood Wedding Photographer}

Good Morning,
2 more sessions to go and I will think I will call it a year. Thanks to everyone who made this year a fantastic success. I have been editing files to start the New Year with some great posts. Last year I blogged 140 posts... I think I will have to top that in 2011. Here is my new ad that will be in Georgian Life.
I hope that 2011 finds everyone well.
Happy New Year!

Saying Hello {Collingwood Portrait photographers}

Just shot my last session today and now catching up on my editing. Here is one of my favourites from my Boxing Day sessions. I have been thinking lately how lucky I am to have a job where I get to hang with people having the best of times.
Hope everyone is enjoying their Holidays.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A Little Christmas Cheer {Collingwood Photographers}

I just wanted to say a big Thank You to everyone who has and will be coming through the studio. Because, of all of you, a mom and her little girl will have a Christmas this year. Lydia, my daughter, found out what Christmas is really about. For this I can't say Thank You enough.
May all of you have a Merry Christmas.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Just saying Hello {Collingwood portrait photographers}

Having a fun time today printing 16x20's in between portrait sessions. I have always loved printing big prints. Busy weekend with sessions that book right into Monday. I was up at Blue this morning for a portrait consultation and can't believe how much snow there is at the resort. If you are coming up to Collingwood to ski you are going to be amazed! Family getting together over the holidays? I am available for sessions. Just call or email.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Baby Eva {Collingwood Photographer}

Good Morning,
Well it is one week until Christmas Eve. I have either been chained to my desk printing, in the studio shooting or shovelling snow. I do believe we are going to have a very white Christmas! Here are some of my favourites from a session I had with Eva and her Mom and Dad. Babies are without question the best present that you could ever be blessed with. I still remember Lydia's first Christmas. It was the best Christmas I have ever had.
Hope everyone in your Family is well.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A little bit of Grace {Collingwood Portait Photographers}

Here are some of my favourites from the session with Grace. She is adorable. Every now and then I get asked why I don't use many props in my portraits. I always have the same answer... I do use props. Eye lashes, little toes, hands and little wisps of hair. All the props you really need.
Hope everyone is well.

The Scholte Family {Collingwood Portrait Photographers}

I can't believe that it has been 10 days since my last post. To say it has been busy would be an understatement! It has been a fantastic December so far... lots of old and new Families through the studio. Here are some of my favourites of the Scholte family. I have done a little designing with these picks with framing in mind. I am really happy how they turned out. Not that difficult when you are working with kids this cute.
I hope everyone enjoyed the snow day today.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Lydia and Robert Munsch {Collingwood Photographers}


Just received this link from my good friend Marg. Lydia is off school today sick so this made her day.
Hope all is well.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Hermione & Phoebe {Collingwood Photographers}

3 rd blog of the day... you would think it is Winter outside and I am chained to my desk. Karen brought in her two adorable girls into the studio. They are beautiful. I decided to make this post all B&W. I love B&W... with a capital "L' Love. I think it comes from all the hours I spent in my darkroom. I remember my first job working for the photographer Fritz Schuller. He had a hallway lined with B&W portraits. I can still see them now... he was a great Photographer to work for. Framing is now available if you would like to drop in and take a look. You can also find all my info on my Biz Facebook page under the events tad.
Hope everyone is enjoying the Winter weather.

3 Little Murphys {Collingwood Photographers}

Here are the Murphy Kids. While I was getting this Blog ready I was thinking about my Grandparents. I remember my Mum (I'm Scottish and spell it with a U) getting Christmas cards ready with family pictures inside to send back to Scotland. The Murphys's Grandparents are in Montreal and Greece. So how cool is it that here are the Kids for them to have a look at. OK... now I just sound a little on the old side. But it really is pretty amazing. I had a great time with the three of them. While I was taking each of their portraits their Mum used my Daughters book nook to read some stories.
Thanks for having a look.

Jennifer and Her Girls {Collingwood photographers}

I loved working with these two girls! They were silly and laughing and hugging the entire time. It always makes for a great Portrait Session when the Studio is filled with giggles. Here is an example of a design of four images together that I will be showing more of. it is now a print option offered here at the studio. Gift certificates and frames are also now available.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Farrall Family {Collingwood Portrait Photographers}

Great weekend! I just shot my last session. Now all I have to do is get caught up on editing, retouching and emails. This is turning out to be an amazing Season.
I have had the pleasure of working with the Farrall Family when there was just two of them, then three, now four. Liam and his little Sister Lauren are beyond cute. I was going to post some of the Family picks but decided to make the post all about the two of them. It is that crazy time of year when the Santa Hats make their appearance. Here are 8 of my favourite from the 288 files their Mom and Dad received.
I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Zack {Collingwood Portrait Photographers}

I am between Portrait Sessions this afternoon so I thought I would post some of my favourites of Zack. I took some portraits of this little Man last year... he doesn't remember because he was still in his Mom's tummy. He is a great little guy who is soon going to be a big Brother very soon. Little kids always look great in Osh Kosh coveralls (his eye lashes and crazy tuft of hair helps)!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Sproule Family {Collingwood Photographers}

There are a few things that make a great Portrait Session. One of those things, is how everyone fits together to make a great shot. I call it putting together the Family puzzle. All I can really say about the Sproule Family is that they came into the Studio already assembled. I have to admit I do like taking pictures of Mom's and Dad's getting squished by their kids.
If you would like to come in for a Session, all my info is in the Events Tab on my Facebook page. I would love to hear from you.
Hope everyone is well.